chased out of the site

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Advertisement on Facebook for your Business

  • Facebook Advertising Account for USA, Facebook Marketing
  • Advertising on Facebook, Facebook for Business, Coupons
  • Facebook Ads Made Easy For Small Businesses
  • Selling Facebook Advertising account 
  • Daily spending of this account is 500$
  • Account works in any country
  • You can spend 2500$ without paying any thing to Facebook
  • You do not need to ads any funding source, (already added)
  • Price is 250$ 
  • I accept payment by perfect money, webmoney and bitcoins

Contact me

Skype = Fbads9
Email =

Thursday 16 April 2015

France | Facebook advertising Accounts with 2500$ Spending Limit

Nous vendons facebook compte de publicité, déjà activé la limite quotidienne de 500. Si vous êtes intéressé à vous annoncer entreprise sur facebook, il vous suffit d'acheter annonces facebook activé compte. Vous avez juste besoin de concevoir votre campagne. Vos annonces commencent à courir. Vous pouvez ajouter facebook bon de réduction de tout montant de ce compte.

  • Ce compte est disponible pour tous les pays.
  • Comptes américains également disponible (travail avec IP américaine)
  • Fore américaine utilisation de compte VPN ou VPS ou RDP
  • Le prix de ce compte est de 250 $
  • vous pouvez annoncer jusqu'à 2,500 $ de ce compte.
  • Par jour limite de dépenses est de 500 $
  • Ce compte est très parfait et prêt à utiliser.
  • Vous ne avez pas besoin de changer quelque chose en facturation tag
  • Source de financement est déjà ajouté

Si vous êtes nouveau à utiliser facebook compte des annonces alors je vais vous fournir vivez aide à mettre en place vos annonces.

Compte par jour limite de dépenses est de 500 $
Beaucoup clientèle chinoise en utilisant mon compte (fonctionne parfaitement)
Facebook Ads compte sera en mesure d'exécuter des campagnes instantanément
Vous pouvez acheter ces compte de moi tout moment
je suis disponible sur skype et adresse e-mail
Le mode de paiement est parfait argent, WebMoney ou bitocin
vous me payez tout simplement 250 $ et je vous donnerai du compte Facebook d'annonces avec une formation complète à l'utiliser.

Des choses importantes à garder à l'esprit

1. Ne pas toucher ou modifier les informations de facturation, compte limite de dépenses, nom, email, mot de passe .... (seulement ip référencée peut le faire), si l'un de ce paramètre est édité facebook sera verrouillé votre compte dans quelques minutes

2. Supprimez tous vos cookies, cookies flash et de changer votre ip si vous avec un autre compte fb.

3. Respecter les termes de facebook par exemple, si vous ajoutez un site ou une page ... qui a déjà été ajouté avant un autre annonces Facebook (bloc compte facebook car il détecte que vous avoir plusieurs comptes)

  • Si vous sentez que vous ne pouvez pas gérer facebook compte des annonces, me fournir votre site web, page Facebook, petites annonces contenu, je vais diffuser vos annonces pour 2500 $ et des frais de 50 $ extras comme les frais de service, total (300 $)
  • Nous avons compte avec 500 $ par jour limite, vous pouvez annoncer jusqu'à 2500 $ à 3000 $ sans payer de chose à tes amis avec ce compte, ce prix est de 250 $ accout
  • Je accepte le paiement par l'argent parfaite, l'argent web ou Bitcoin. vous confirmez votre paiement, avec en 10 minutes maximum, vous obtiendrez compte en détail


Skype = Fbads9
Email =

Wednesday 1 April 2015

How much does it cost to advertise on Facebook for Small Business?

We sell facebook advertising account, already activated with daily limit of 500. If you are interested to advertise you business on facebook, you just need to buy facebook ads activated account. You just need to design your campaign. Your ads start running. You can add facebook voucher of any amount in this account.
  • This account is available for all countries.
  • American Accounts available also (work with American IP)
  • Fore American Account use vpn or vps or RDP
  • The price of this account is 250$
  • you can advertise up to 2500$ from this account.
  • Per day spending limit is 500$
  • This Account is very perfect and ready to use.
  • You do not need to change any thing in billing tag
  • Funding Source is added already 

If you are new to use facebook ads account then i will provide you live help to set up your ads.

Account per Day spending Limit is 500$
Many Chinese Customer using my account (working perfectly)
Facebook Ads account will be able to run campaigns instantly
you can buy these account from me any time
i am available on skype and email address
The mode of payment is Perfect money, webmoney or bitocin
you simply pay me 250$ and i will give you facebook ads account with complete training to use it.

Important things to keep in mind

1. Don't touch or change billing information, account spend limit, name, email, password ....(only registred ip can do this), if any of this setting is edited facebook will locked your account in few min

2. Delete all your cookies, flash cookies and change your ip if you using another fb account.

3. Respect the terms of facebook for example, if you add a site or page ... which was already added before another Facebook ads (block facebook account because it detects that you have multiple accounts)

  • If you feel that you can not manage facebook ads account, provide me your website, facebook page, ads contents, I will run your ads for 2500$ and charge 50$ extras as service charges, total ( 300$ )
  • We have account with 500$ per day limit, you can advertise up to 2500$ to 3000$ without paying any thing to facebook with this account, this accout price is 250$
  • I accept payment by perfect money, web money or bitcoin. you confirm your payment, with in 10 minutes maximum, you will get account detail 

Contact me

Skype = Fbads9
Email =

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Get Free Facebook Advertising Account with 2500$ Spending Limit

We sell facebook advertising account, already activated with daily limit of 500. If you are interested to advertise you business on facebook, you just need to buy facebook ads activated account. You just need to design your campaign. Your ads start running. You can add facebook voucher of any amount in this account.
  • This account is available for all countries.
  • American Accounts available also (work with American IP)
  • Fore American Account use vpn or vps or RDP
  • The price of this account is 250$
  • you can advertise up to 2500$ from this account.
  • Per day spending limit is 500$
  • This Account is very perfect and ready to use.
  • You do not need to change any thing in billing tag
  • Funding Source is added already 

If you are new to use facebook ads account then i will provide you live help to set up your ads.

Account per Day spending Limit is 500$
Many Chinese Customer using my account (working perfectly)
Facebook Ads account will be able to run campaigns instantly
you can buy these account from me any time
i am available on skype and email address
The mode of payment is Perfect money, webmoney or bitocin
you simply pay me 250$ and i will give you facebook ads account with complete training to use it.

Important things to keep in mind

1. Don't touch or change billing information, account spend limit, name, email, password ....(only registred ip can do this), if any of this setting is edited facebook will locked your account in few min

2. Delete all your cookies, flash cookies and change your ip if you using another fb account.

3. Respect the terms of facebook for example, if you add a site or page ... which was already added before another Facebook ads (block facebook account because it detects that you have multiple accounts)

  • If you feel that you can not manage facebook ads account, provide me your website, facebook page, ads contents, I will run your ads for 2500$ and charge 50$ extras as service charges, total ( 300$ )
  • We have account with 500$ per day limit, you can advertise up to 2500$ to 3000$ without paying any thing to facebook with this account, this accout price is 250$
  • I accept payment by perfect money, web money or bitcoin. you confirm your payment, with in 10 minutes maximum, you will get account detail 

Contact me

Skype = Fbads9
Email =

Sunday 15 March 2015

Facebook Smart Advertising Account and Get Drive Qualified Traffic

Free Advertising on Facebook, Promote your Business from jonathan garz on Vimeo.
  • Free Facebook Advertising Account to do your Business Promotion
  • Advertise Your Business for Free on Facebook
  • Ways to Create Amazing Facebook Posts to Promote
  • Facebook ads activated account for USA Customers
  • Activated your Advertisement on Facebook in a Minutes

Driving Traffic from Facebook to your Website for Free

Free Advertising on Facebook, Promote your Business from jonathan garz on Vimeo.

  • Free Facebook Advertising Account to do your Business Promotion
  • Advertise Your Business for Free on Facebook
  • Ways to Create Amazing Facebook Posts to Promote
  • Facebook ads activated account for USA Customers
  • Activated your Advertisement on Facebook in a Minutes

Get heavy Facebook Traffic to your Website | Facebook Advertisement

Free Advertising on Facebook, Promote your Business from jonathan garz on Vimeo.

  • Free Facebook Advertising Account to do your Business Promotion
  • Get heavy Facebook Traffic to your Website, Facebook Advertisement
  • Advertise Your Business for Free on Facebook
  • Ways to Create Amazing Facebook Posts to Promote
  • Facebook ads activated account for USA Customers
  • Activated your Advertisement on Facebook in a Minutes

Free Facebook Advertising Account to do your Business Promotion

Free Advertising on Facebook, Promote your Business from jonathan garz on Vimeo.

  • Free Facebook Advertising Account to do your Business Promotion
  • Advertise Your Business for Free on Facebook
  • Ways to Create Amazing Facebook Posts to Promote
  • Facebook ads activated account for USA Customers
  • Activated your Advertisement on Facebook in a Minutes

Friday 6 March 2015

How to Advertise your Small Business on Facebook For More Customers?

We sell facebook advertising account, already activated with daily limit of 500. If you are interested to advertise you business on facebook, you just need to buy facebook ads activated account. You just need to design your campaign. Your ads start running. You can add facebook voucher of any amount in this account.
  • This account is available for all countries.
  • American Accounts available also (work with American IP)
  • Fore American Account use vpn or vps or RDP
  • The price of this account is 250$
  • you can advertise up to 2500$ from this account.
  • Per day spending limit is 500$
  • This Account is very perfect and ready to use.
  • You do not need to change any thing in billing tag
  • Funding Source is added already 

If you are new to use facebook ads account then i will provide you live help to set up your ads.

Account per Day spending Limit is 500$
Many Chinese Customer using my account (working perfectly)
Facebook Ads account will be able to run campaigns instantly
you can buy these account from me any time
i am available on skype and email address
The mode of payment is Perfect money, webmoney or bitocin
you simply pay me 250$ and i will give you facebook ads account with complete training to use it.

Important things to keep in mind

1. Don't touch or change billing information, account spend limit, name, email, password ....(only registred ip can do this), if any of this setting is edited facebook will locked your account in few min

2. Delete all your cookies, flash cookies and change your ip if you using another fb account.

3. Respect the terms of facebook for example, if you add a site or page ... which was already added before another Facebook ads (block facebook account because it detects that you have multiple accounts)

  • If you feel that you can not manage facebook ads account, provide me your website, facebook page, ads contents, I will run your ads for 2500$ and charge 50$ extras as service charges, total ( 300$ )
  • We have account with 500$ per day limit, you can advertise up to 2500$ to 3000$ without paying any thing to facebook with this account, this accout price is 250$
  • I accept payment by perfect money, web money or bitcoin. you confirm your payment, with in 10 minutes maximum, you will get account detail 

Contact me

Skype = Fbads9
Email =

Thursday 5 March 2015

Norway Facebook Marketing for Business | Free Advertisement of Business

Vi selger facebook annonsering konto, allerede aktivert med daglig grense på 500. Hvis du er interessert i å annonsere virksomhet på facebook, du trenger bare å kjøpe Facebook-annonser aktivert konto. Du trenger bare å utforme kampanjen. Annonsene begynner å kjøre. Du kan legge til facebook kupong av et beløp på denne kontoen.
  • Denne kontoen er tilgjengelig for alle land.
  • Amerikanske kontoer tilgjengelig også (arbeid med amerikansk IP)
  • Fore amerikansk konto bruk vpn eller vps eller RDP
  • Prisen på denne kontoen er 250 $
  • du kan annonsere opp til 2500 $ fra denne kontoen.
  • Per dag kostnadsgrense er 500 $
  • Denne kontoen er veldig perfekt og klar til bruk.
  • Du trenger ikke å forandre noen ting i fakturering tag
  • Finansieringskilde legges allerede

Hvis du er ny til å bruke facebook-annonser konto så jeg vil gi deg leve hjelp til å sette opp annonsene.

Konto per dag kostnadsgrense er 500 $
Mange kinesiske kunden bruker kontoen min (fungerer perfekt)
Facebook Ads konto vil være i stand til å kjøre kampanjer umiddelbart
du kan kjøpe disse konto fra meg når som helst
Jeg er tilgjengelig på skype og e-postadresse
Modusen for betaling er Perfect penger, WebMoney eller bitocin
du bare betale meg 250 $, og jeg vil gi deg Facebook Ads konto med komplett opplæring for å bruke den.

Viktige ting å huske på

1. Ikke ta på eller endre faktureringsinformasjon, kontobeløpsgrense, navn, e-post, passord .... (kan bare registrert ip gjøre dette), hvis noen av denne innstillingen er redigert facebook vil låste kontoen din i noen minutter

2. Slett alle dine cookies, flash cookies og endre din ip hvis du bruker en annen fb-konto.

3. Respekter vilkårene av facebook for eksempel hvis du legger til et nettsted eller en side ... som var allerede lagt før en annen Facebook-annonser (blokk facebook konto fordi den oppdager at du har flere kontoer)
  • Hvis du føler at du ikke klarer facebook annonser konto, gi meg din nettside, facebook side, annonser innholdet, jeg vil kjøre annonsene for 2500 $ og kostnad 50 $ statister som avgifter, total (300 $)
  • Vi har konto med 500 $ per dag grense, kan du annonsere opp til 2500 $ til 3000 $ uten å betale noen ting på facebook med denne kontoen, er dette Kontoinnstillinger pris 250 $
  • Jeg aksepterer betaling med perfekt penger, web penger eller Bitcoin. du bekrefte betalingen, med i 10 minutter maks, vil du få kontoen detalj

Kontakt meg

Skype = Fbads9
E-post =

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Facebook Online Advertisement, Get Quality Traffic

  • Facebook Online Advertisement, Get Quality Traffic
  • Facebook Ads Made Easy For Small Businesses
  • Selling Facebook Advertising account 
  • Daily spending of this account is 500$
  • Account works in any country
  • You can spend 2500$ without paying any thing to Facebook
  • You do not need to ads any funding source, (already added)
  • Price is 250$ 
  • I accept payment by perfect money, webmoney and bitcoins

Contact me

Skype = Fbads9
Email =

Thursday 26 February 2015

Facebook Voucher, Facebook Coupons, Facebook Credits

We sell facebook advertising account, already activated with daily limit of 500. If you are interested to advertise you business on facebook, you just need to buy facebook ads activated account. You just need to design your campaign. Your ads start running. You can add facebook voucher of any amount in this account.
  • This account is available for all countries.
  • American Accounts available also (work with American IP)
  • Fore American Account use vpn or vps or RDP
  • The price of this account is 250$
  • you can advertise up to 2500$ from this account.
  • Per day spending limit is 500$
  • This Account is very perfect and ready to use.
  • You do not need to change any thing in billing tag
  • Funding Source is added already 

If you are new to use facebook ads account then i will provide you live help to set up your ads.

Account per Day spending Limit is 500$
Many Chinese Customer using my account (working perfectly)
Facebook Ads account will be able to run campaigns instantly
you can buy these account from me any time
i am available on skype and email address
The mode of payment is Perfect money, webmoney or bitocin
you simply pay me 250$ and i will give you facebook ads account with complete training to use it.

Important things to keep in mind

1. Don't touch or change billing information, account spend limit, name, email, password ....(only registred ip can do this), if any of this setting is edited facebook will locked your account in few min

2. Delete all your cookies, flash cookies and change your ip if you using another fb account.

3. Respect the terms of facebook for example, if you add a site or page ... which was already added before another Facebook ads (block facebook account because it detects that you have multiple accounts)

  • If you feel that you can not manage facebook ads account, provide me your website, facebook page, ads contents, I will run your ads for 2500$ and charge 50$ extras as service charges, total ( 300$ )
  • We have account with 500$ per day limit, you can advertise up to 2500$ to 3000$ without paying any thing to facebook with this account, this accout price is 250$
  • I accept payment by perfect money, web money or bitcoin. you confirm your payment, with in 10 minutes maximum, you will get account detail 

Contact me

Skype = Fbads9
Email =

Facebook Advertising Free Account and Digital Advertising Media

We sell facebook advertising account, already activated with daily limit of 500. If you are interested to advertise you business on facebook, you just need to buy facebook ads activated account. You just need to design your campaign. Your ads start running. You can add facebook voucher of any amount in this account.
  • This account is available for all countries.
  • American Accounts available also (work with American IP)
  • Fore American Account use vpn or vps or RDP
  • The price of this account is 250$
  • you can advertise up to 2500$ from this account.
  • Per day spending limit is 500$
  • This Account is very perfect and ready to use.
  • You do not need to change any thing in billing tag
  • Funding Source is added already 

If you are new to use facebook ads account then i will provide you live help to set up your ads.

Account per Day spending Limit is 500$
Many Chinese Customer using my account (working perfectly)
Facebook Ads account will be able to run campaigns instantly
you can buy these account from me any time
i am available on skype and email address
The mode of payment is Perfect money, webmoney or bitocin
you simply pay me 250$ and i will give you facebook ads account with complete training to use it.

Important things to keep in mind

1. Don't touch or change billing information, account spend limit, name, email, password ....(only registred ip can do this), if any of this setting is edited facebook will locked your account in few min

2. Delete all your cookies, flash cookies and change your ip if you using another fb account.

3. Respect the terms of facebook for example, if you add a site or page ... which was already added before another Facebook ads (block facebook account because it detects that you have multiple accounts)

  • If you feel that you can not manage facebook ads account, provide me your website, facebook page, ads contents, I will run your ads for 2500$ and charge 50$ extras as service charges, total ( 300$ )
  • We have account with 500$ per day limit, you can advertise up to 2500$ to 3000$ without paying any thing to facebook with this account, this accout price is 250$
  • I accept payment by perfect money, web money or bitcoin. you confirm your payment, with in 10 minutes maximum, you will get account detail 

Contact me

Skype = Fbads9
Email =

France | Facebook Online Advertising Campaigns For Free

Nous vendons facebook compte de publicité, déjà activé la limite quotidienne de 500. Si vous êtes intéressé à vous annoncer entreprise sur facebook, il vous suffit d'acheter annonces facebook activé compte. Vous avez juste besoin de concevoir votre campagne. Vos annonces commencent à courir. Vous pouvez ajouter facebook bon de réduction de tout montant de ce compte.
  • Ce compte est disponible pour tous les pays.
  • Comptes américains également disponible (travail avec IP américaine)
  • Fore américaine utilisation de compte VPN ou VPS ou RDP
  • Le prix de ce compte est de 250 $
  • vous pouvez annoncer jusqu'à 2,500 $ de ce compte.
  • Par jour limite de dépenses est de 500 $
  • Ce compte est très parfait et prêt à utiliser.
  • Vous ne avez pas besoin de changer quelque chose en facturation tag
  • Source de financement est déjà ajouté

Si vous êtes nouveau à utiliser facebook compte des annonces alors je vais vous fournir vivez aide à mettre en place vos annonces.

Compte par jour limite de dépenses est de 500 $
Beaucoup clientèle chinoise en utilisant mon compte (fonctionne parfaitement)
Facebook Ads compte sera en mesure d'exécuter des campagnes instantanément
Vous pouvez acheter ces compte de moi tout moment
je suis disponible sur skype et adresse e-mail
Le mode de paiement est parfait argent, WebMoney ou bitocin
vous me payez tout simplement 250 $ et je vous donnerai du compte Facebook d'annonces avec une formation complète à l'utiliser.

Des choses importantes à garder à l'esprit

1. Ne pas toucher ou modifier les informations de facturation, compte limite de dépenses, nom, email, mot de passe .... (seulement ip référencée peut le faire), si l'un de ce paramètre est édité facebook sera verrouillé votre compte dans quelques minutes

2. Supprimez tous vos cookies, cookies flash et de changer votre ip si vous avec un autre compte fb.

3. Respecter les termes de facebook par exemple, si vous ajoutez un site ou une page ... qui a déjà été ajouté avant un autre annonces Facebook (bloc compte facebook car il détecte que vous avoir plusieurs comptes)
  • Si vous sentez que vous ne pouvez pas gérer facebook compte des annonces, me fournir votre site web, page Facebook, petites annonces contenu, je vais diffuser vos annonces pour 2500 $ et des frais de 50 $ extras comme les frais de service, total (300 $)
  • Nous avons compte avec 500 $ par jour limite, vous pouvez annoncer jusqu'à 2500 $ à 3000 $ sans payer de chose à tes amis avec ce compte, ce prix est de 250 $ accout
  • Je accepte le paiement par l'argent parfaite, l'argent web ou Bitcoin. vous confirmez votre paiement, avec en 10 minutes maximum, vous obtiendrez compte en détail


Skype = Fbads9
Email =

Want to Run your Advertisement on Facebook? | Social Media Advertising

We sell facebook advertising account, already activated with daily limit of 500. If you are interested to advertise you business on facebook, you just need to buy facebook ads activated account. You just need to design your campaign. Your ads start running. You can add facebook voucher of any amount in this account.
  • This account is available for all countries.
  • American Accounts available also (work with American IP)
  • Fore American Account use vpn or vps or RDP
  • The price of this account is 250$
  • you can advertise up to 2500$ from this account.
  • Per day spending limit is 500$
  • This Account is very perfect and ready to use.
  • You do not need to change any thing in billing tag
  • Funding Source is added already 

If you are new to use facebook ads account then i will provide you live help to set up your ads.

Account per Day spending Limit is 500$
Many Chinese Customer using my account (working perfectly)
Facebook Ads account will be able to run campaigns instantly
you can buy these account from me any time
i am available on skype and email address
The mode of payment is Perfect money, webmoney or bitocin
you simply pay me 250$ and i will give you facebook ads account with complete training to use it.

Important things to keep in mind

1. Don't touch or change billing information, account spend limit, name, email, password ....(only registred ip can do this), if any of this setting is edited facebook will locked your account in few min

2. Delete all your cookies, flash cookies and change your ip if you using another fb account.

3. Respect the terms of facebook for example, if you add a site or page ... which was already added before another Facebook ads (block facebook account because it detects that you have multiple accounts)

  • If you feel that you can not manage facebook ads account, provide me your website, facebook page, ads contents, I will run your ads for 2500$ and charge 50$ extras as service charges, total ( 300$ )
  • We have account with 500$ per day limit, you can advertise up to 2500$ to 3000$ without paying any thing to facebook with this account, this accout price is 250$
  • I accept payment by perfect money, web money or bitcoin. you confirm your payment, with in 10 minutes maximum, you will get account detail 

Contact me

Skype = Fbads9
Email =

Free Facebook Ads, Guide to Advertising on Facebook

We sell facebook advertising account, already activated with daily limit of 500. If you are interested to advertise you business on facebook, you just need to buy facebook ads activated account. You just need to design your campaign. Your ads start running. You can add facebook voucher of any amount in this account.
  • This account is available for all countries.
  • American Accounts available also (work with American IP)
  • Fore American Account use vpn or vps or RDP
  • The price of this account is 250$
  • you can advertise up to 2500$ from this account.
  • Per day spending limit is 500$
  • This Account is very perfect and ready to use.
  • You do not need to change any thing in billing tag
  • Funding Source is added already 

If you are new to use facebook ads account then i will provide you live help to set up your ads.

Account per Day spending Limit is 500$
Many Chinese Customer using my account (working perfectly)
Facebook Ads account will be able to run campaigns instantly
you can buy these account from me any time
i am available on skype and email address
The mode of payment is Perfect money, webmoney or bitocin
you simply pay me 250$ and i will give you facebook ads account with complete training to use it.

Important things to keep in mind

1. Don't touch or change billing information, account spend limit, name, email, password ....(only registred ip can do this), if any of this setting is edited facebook will locked your account in few min

2. Delete all your cookies, flash cookies and change your ip if you using another fb account.

3. Respect the terms of facebook for example, if you add a site or page ... which was already added before another Facebook ads (block facebook account because it detects that you have multiple accounts)

  • If you feel that you can not manage facebook ads account, provide me your website, facebook page, ads contents, I will run your ads for 2500$ and charge 50$ extras as service charges, total ( 300$ )
  • We have account with 500$ per day limit, you can advertise up to 2500$ to 3000$ without paying any thing to facebook with this account, this accout price is 250$
  • I accept payment by perfect money, web money or bitcoin. you confirm your payment, with in 10 minutes maximum, you will get account detail 

Contact me

Skype = Fbads9
Email =

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Advertise Your Malaysian Business on Facebook For Free

Kami menjual akaun pengiklanan facebook, telah diaktifkan dengan had harian sebanyak 500. Jika anda berminat untuk mengiklankan perniagaan anda di facebook, anda hanya perlu membeli iklan facebook akaun diaktifkan. Anda hanya perlu untuk mereka bentuk kempen anda. Iklan anda mula berjalan. Anda boleh menambah baucar facebook apa-apa amaun dalam akaun ini.
Akaun ini boleh didapati untuk semua negara.
  • Akaun Amerika juga terdapat (kerja dengan Amerika IP)
  • Fore Amerika penggunaan Akaun VPN atau VPS atau RDP
  • Harga akaun ini adalah $ 250
  • anda boleh mengiklankan sehingga 2500 $ dari akaun ini.
  • Sehari had perbelanjaan adalah $ 500
  • Akaun ini adalah sangat sempurna dan sedia untuk digunakan.
  • Anda tidak perlu mengubah apa-apa benda dalam tag bil
  • Sumber Pembiayaan ditambah sudah
Jika anda baru untuk menggunakan akaun facebook iklan kemudian saya akan memberikan anda tinggal bantuan untuk menubuhkan iklan anda.

Akaun setiap Had perbelanjaan Hari adalah $ 500
Ramai Pelanggan Cina menggunakan akaun saya (bekerja dengan sempurna)
Akaun Facebook Ads akan dapat menjalankan kempen serta-merta
anda boleh membeli akaun ini dari saya bila-bila masa
i am boleh didapati di skype dan alamat e-mel
Cara pembayaran adalah wang Perfect, Webmoney atau bitocin
anda hanya membayar saya $ 250 dan saya akan memberi anda akaun facebook iklan dengan latihan lengkap untuk menggunakannya.

Perkara penting yang perlu diingat

1. Jangan sentuh atau menukar maklumat bil, akaun had perbelanjaan, nama, e-mel, kata laluan .... (hanya ip registred boleh melakukan ini), jika mana-mana tetapan ini disunting facebook akan dikunci akaun anda dalam beberapa minit

2. Padam semua cookies, cookies kilat anda dan menukar ip anda jika anda menggunakan akaun fb lain.

3. Menghormati segi facebook sebagai contoh, jika anda menambah tapak atau halaman ... yang telah ditambah sebelum satu lagi iklan Facebook (akaun facebook blok kerana ia mengesan bahawa anda mempunyai berbilang akaun)

  • Jika anda merasa bahawa anda tidak boleh mengurus akaun facebook iklan, memberikan saya laman web anda, halaman facebook, kandungan iklan, saya akan menjalankan iklan anda untuk $ 2500 dan $ 50 caj tambahan seperti caj perkhidmatan, jumlah (300 $)
  • Kami mempunyai akaun dengan $ 500 per hari had, anda boleh mengiklankan sehingga $ 2500 kepada $ 3000 tanpa membayar apa-apa perkara yang perlu dengan akaun facebook ini, harga accout ini adalah $ 250
  • Saya menerima bayaran melalui wang yang sempurna, wang web atau bitcoin. anda mengesahkan pembayaran anda, dengan dalam 10 minit maksimum, anda akan mendapat terperinci akaun

Hubungi saya

Skype = Fbads9
E-mel =

Advertise your Business on Facebook, Vietnam, China, USA, Canada,UK

We sell facebook advertising account, already activated with daily limit of 500. If you are interested to advertise you business on facebook, you just need to buy facebook ads activated account. You just need to design your campaign. Your ads start running. You can add facebook voucher of any amount in this account.
  • This account is available for all countries.
  • American Accounts available also (work with American IP)
  • Fore American Account use vpn or vps or RDP
  • The price of this account is 250$
  • you can advertise up to 2500$ from this account.
  • Per day spending limit is 500$
  • This Account is very perfect and ready to use.
  • You do not need to change any thing in billing tag
  • Funding Source is added already 

If you are new to use facebook ads account then i will provide you live help to set up your ads.

Account per Day spending Limit is 500$
Many Chinese Customer using my account (working perfectly)
Facebook Ads account will be able to run campaigns instantly
you can buy these account from me any time
i am available on skype and email address
The mode of payment is Perfect money, webmoney or bitocin
you simply pay me 250$ and i will give you facebook ads account with complete training to use it.

Important things to keep in mind

1. Don't touch or change billing information, account spend limit, name, email, password ....(only registred ip can do this), if any of this setting is edited facebook will locked your account in few min

2. Delete all your cookies, flash cookies and change your ip if you using another fb account.

3. Respect the terms of facebook for example, if you add a site or page ... which was already added before another Facebook ads (block facebook account because it detects that you have multiple accounts)

  • If you feel that you can not manage facebook ads account, provide me your website, facebook page, ads contents, I will run your ads for 2500$ and charge 50$ extras as service charges, total ( 300$ )
  • We have account with 500$ per day limit, you can advertise up to 2500$ to 3000$ without paying any thing to facebook with this account, this accout price is 250$
  • I accept payment by perfect money, web money or bitcoin. you confirm your payment, with in 10 minutes maximum, you will get account detail 

Contact me

Skype = Fbads9
Email =

Monday 23 February 2015

Get your Business On Facebook‎ | Facebook Ads Account | Facebook Ads Coupon

We sell facebook advertising account, already activated with daily limit of 500. If you are interested to advertise you business on facebook, you just need to buy facebook ads activated account. You just need to design your campaign. Your ads start running. You can add facebook voucher of any amount in this account.
  • This account is available for all countries.
  • American Accounts available also (work with American IP)
  • Fore American Account use vpn or vps or RDP
  • The price of this account is 250$
  • you can advertise up to 2500$ from this account.
  • Per day spending limit is 500$
  • This Account is very perfect and ready to use.
  • You do not need to change any thing in billing tag
  • Funding Source is added already 

If you are new to use facebook ads account then i will provide you live help to set up your ads.

Account per Day spending Limit is 500$
Many Chinese Customer using my account (working perfectly)
Facebook Ads account will be able to run campaigns instantly
you can buy these account from me any time
i am available on skype and email address
The mode of payment is Perfect money, webmoney or bitocin
you simply pay me 250$ and i will give you facebook ads account with complete training to use it.

Important things to keep in mind

1. Don't touch or change billing information, account spend limit, name, email, password ....(only registred ip can do this), if any of this setting is edited facebook will locked your account in few min

2. Delete all your cookies, flash cookies and change your ip if you using another fb account.

3. Respect the terms of facebook for example, if you add a site or page ... which was already added before another Facebook ads (block facebook account because it detects that you have multiple accounts)

  • If you feel that you can not manage facebook ads account, provide me your website, facebook page, ads contents, I will run your ads for 2500$ and charge 50$ extras as service charges, total ( 300$ )
  • We have account with 500$ per day limit, you can advertise up to 2500$ to 3000$ without paying any thing to facebook with this account, this accout price is 250$
  • I accept payment by perfect money, web money or bitcoin. you confirm your payment, with in 10 minutes maximum, you will get account detail 

Contact me

Skype = Fbads9
Email =

Sunday 22 February 2015

Selling Facebook Advertisment Accounts | Deep Dive Into Facebook Advertising

We sell facebook advertising account, already activated with daily limit of 500. If you are interested to advertise you business on facebook, you just need to buy facebook ads activated account. You just need to design your campaign. Your ads start running. You can add facebook voucher of any amount in this account.
  • This account is available for all countries.
  • American Accounts available also (work with American IP)
  • Fore American Account use vpn or vps or RDP
  • The price of this account is 250$
  • you can advertise up to 2500$ from this account.
  • Per day spending limit is 500$
  • This Account is very perfect and ready to use.
  • You do not need to change any thing in billing tag
  • Funding Source is added already 

If you are new to use facebook ads account then i will provide you live help to set up your ads.

Account per Day spending Limit is 500$
Many Chinese Customer using my account (working perfectly)
Facebook Ads account will be able to run campaigns instantly
you can buy these account from me any time
i am available on skype and email address
The mode of payment is Perfect money, webmoney or bitocin
you simply pay me 250$ and i will give you facebook ads account with complete training to use it.

Important things to keep in mind

1. Don't touch or change billing information, account spend limit, name, email, password ....(only registred ip can do this), if any of this setting is edited facebook will locked your account in few min

2. Delete all your cookies, flash cookies and change your ip if you using another fb account.

3. Respect the terms of facebook for example, if you add a site or page ... which was already added before another Facebook ads (block facebook account because it detects that you have multiple accounts)

  • If you feel that you can not manage facebook ads account, provide me your website, facebook page, ads contents, I will run your ads for 2500$ and charge 50$ extras as service charges, total ( 300$ )
  • We have account with 500$ per day limit, you can advertise up to 2500$ to 3000$ without paying any thing to facebook with this account, this accout price is 250$
  • I accept payment by perfect money, web money or bitcoin. you confirm your payment, with in 10 minutes maximum, you will get account detail 

Contact me

Skype = Fbads9
Email =